Romance novels are the industry heavy-hitter, but everywhere we turn, they get slagged on. What's up with that?
The Divine Right of Billionaires
When I set out to write a billionaire romance with Boardroom Omega, I had a few goals in mind. One was that I wanted to end the novel with this obscenely wealthy person, to some degree, changing their ways and using that wealth to contribute to society instead of being a parasite. The other goal was to showcase how utterly insane—and I do not use that term lightly—the existence of a billionaire...
Why Write a Billionaire Romance?
I wrote a billionaire romance. Yet I don't like billionaires. Writing these characters in romance, though, allows for escapism.
Why Consent Is Imperative in Romance Novels
In the romance genre, the subject of consent is sometimes murky and often contentious. The power dynamics of relationships demand that writers explore it.
Negotiating Power Dynamics in Romance Novels
Who has power in a relationship and how do they wield it? That's a question every romance reader should ask, especially as heterosexual romances usually fail to interrogate power dynamics, ultimately modelling abusive or toxic relationships.
The Toxic Messaging of the Alpha Male in Romance
Almost every romance reader knows the alpha male hero, and every romance heroine seems to swoon for him. But this type of character is actually sending a toxic message to readers.
Can Romance and Sci-Fi Co-exist?
Someone said romance doesn't belong in science fiction. But sci-fi and romance are more tangled up than most would like to admit.
“Clean” Romance Has a Dirty Secret
Ever wondered why we use the term "clean romance"? It looks innocent on the surface, but it's actually packing quite the patriarchal punch.
What Counts as Romance?
It's almost Valentine's Day, which means we'll see non-romance readers crawl out of the woodwork to tell us all about great romances. But what counts as romance? Even some of the "great love stories" we point to aren't ... actually ... all that romantic.