
Why I Didn’t Do Camp NaNoWriMo


(And Why I Won’t Be Doing Any NaNoWriMo Events in the Future) What my writing output has looked like the last couple of months (Jessica Lewis 🦋 thepaintedsquare / Pexels.com) Right! So, it’s May already. You may have noticed that the blog went on a bit of an extended break from early March. That wasn’t really my intention, but … life happened, as it is wont to do. Truth is, I haven’t written...

NaNoWriMo 2023 Wrapup


(lil artsy / Pexels.com) So, it’s December now. Which means we made it through November. This was the first year in a while I actually managed to push through National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. November has, historically, been a bit of a trashier for me. This year wasn’t much different, if I’m perfectly honest, yet somehow, I made it through and reached the goal. A Brief History of NaNo...

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