You got clicking around on AO3 or maybe tumblr, and now you're scarred for life. You're also asking, "What is mpreg?" The short answer--and the long answer--are here.
Who Invented the Omegaverse Anyway?
By now, you've probably encountered "wolf kink porn." Where did this idea come from anyway?
The Official Raven Before the Dove Playlist
I have yet another book out now—The Raven Before the Dove is the sixth instalment in the Flirting with the Zodiac series. And another book means yet another playlist.
The Raven Before the Dove Preview
A mysterious visitor arrives, sending Prince Cirrus on a treacherous journey. Preview THE RAVEN BEFORE THE DOVE to start the adventure now!
Evan and the Alpha Preview
What happens when a reluctant space explorer gets kidnapped by crocodile aliens? Find out in EVAN AND THE ALPHA!
Glitterati Omega Preview
Socialite omega Rupert Cullinan dreams of happy ever after, but Winston Ndoni isn't going to make it easy for him. Preview Glitterati Omega!
Why So Much m/m Romance Isn’t Actually Gay
It's no secret that m/m romance is popular, especial with cishet women. But a lot of what cishet women write isn't ... actually ... gay.
Who Is M/M Romance For?
Every now and then, we get into a debate about who can or should be writing m/m romance. A lot of cishet women right it, and not a few gay men feel pushed out by this trend. How can we balance this? The answer probably isn't more gatekeeping.
The Bull by His Horns Preview
Ro knew bringing home an alien boyfriend would be a problem, but he didn't expect this kind of trouble. Can he help Ferr clear his name of a crime he didn't commit? Sample The Bull by His Horns now!
Riding the Dragon Preview
Cad Lewis, ex-soldier and disgraced war hero, left Earth ten years ago to start fresh on the planet Librae. He just wants to run his farm, and he mostly does ...
Until the dragon Drake comes crashing into his life.