Readers love the fated mates trope. Yet, if you start digging, the whole notion gets a little bit more sinister than you might expect.
Playing Fast and Loose with Fairy Myths in Rare Flower
Rare Flower incorporates a fair few fairy myths, although accuracy isn't its concern. What does "real" fairy mythology look like though?
Greek Mythology in Rare Flower
I took a fair bit of inspiration from Greek mythology when I was writing Rare Flower. Here, I explore some of the stories that were melded.
Rare Flower Preview
On September 19, 2023, fated love is a nightmare, not a dream come true. Get a sneak peek at RARE FLOWER, a dark m/m fantasy romance.
On the Pleasure Planet Preview
Get a sneak peek at a new Cherry Pickett story, exclusively in ON THE PLEASURE PLANET, an m/m scifi romance anthology out 08/08/23!
Checkpoint: Midyear Update on Author Goals
I was super-ambitious in January and had lots of goals! Now it's July, so it's time to check in and see how I'm doing with those.
The Flirting with the Zodiac Series Reading Order
One of the fun facts about the Flirting with the Zodiac series is that I released them in the wrong order. So, what order are you actually supposed to read them in?
Bioessentialism in Omegaverse
Art is always political, which means even tropes like omegaverse take on political bents. We should be wary of bioessentialism in omegaverse.
Clean, Dirty, Sexy, Spicy: A Guide to Romance Heat Levels
What's clean romance? What's with the pepper emojis? This guide will walk you through the different ways we talk about romance heat levels.
Omegaverse and Consent
Consent is curiously absent from a lot of romance novels. But a/b/o stories tend to play with this in a more intentional way. A lot of stories featuring a/b/o dynamics feature dubious consent—but does it have to be that way?