Taglgbtq fiction

Why We Need Queer Books (More Than Ever)


June has arrived, and with it, Pride Month 2024 has kicked off. Pride started in the 1970s to protest the treatment of queer people, both by law enforcement and society at large. The Stonewall Riots were the last straw for many queer people. They were frustrated by living in fear and denial, always under threat of violence from the state. Pride parades became a way of protesting this oppression...

Who Is M/M Romance For?


Every now and then, we get into a debate about who can or should be writing m/m romance. A lot of cishet women right it, and not a few gay men feel pushed out by this trend. How can we balance this? The answer probably isn't more gatekeeping.

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Coming January 28! Get set for more intergalactic hijinks when a monk inherits a HOST CLUB ON THE PLEASURE PLANET!

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