
Is The HEA Predictable?


Romance novels get a lot of flak. Sometimes, there are good reasons—a lot of them are run-of-the-mill or even bad smut. I’ve seen books with cardboard characters and even flimsier plots. Does a rose by any other name truly smell as sweet? (Dario Fernandez Ruz / Pexels.com) Some of the criticisms levied against romance novels stem from other, less magnanimous areas. Romance novels as a whole are...

Why Do People Like “Predictable” Romance Novels?


A friend and I were discussing this topic a little while ago. I’d seen a recent social media exchange about it. Some folks expressed disdain. They couldn’t understand why people would want to read “predictable” romance novels. Stop me if you’ve heard this one … (Summer Stock / Pexels.com) And that’s a fairly understandable stance. I mean, I roll my eyes at a lot of Harlequin-type...

Why I Won’t Be Using AI Anytime Soon


AI is all the rage right now, owing largely to ChatGPT and Midjourney. While enthusiasts laud the capabilities of these new tools and call artists and authors “Luddites” for not adopting it, I think there are some very good reasons to steer clear of them right now. (Tara Winstead / Pexels.com) Here’s why I, as an author, won’t be using artificial intelligence to help me “write faster”—and why I...

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