Tagboardroom omega

The Divine Right of Billionaires


When I set out to write a billionaire romance with Boardroom Omega, I had a few goals in mind. One was that I wanted to end the novel with this obscenely wealthy person, to some degree, changing their ways and using that wealth to contribute to society instead of being a parasite. The other goal was to showcase how utterly insane—and I do not use that term lightly—the existence of a billionaire...

Boardroom Omega Preview


The following is an excerpt from Cherry Pickett’s Boardroom Omega. You can read more about the book here. Chapter One As the clock struck one, Percival breezed back into his office, not quite slamming the door behind him. He heaved a heavy sigh as he slung himself down into the plush of the incredibly expensive leather executive’s chair, the glow of the three monitors dominating his desk...

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