Art is always political, which means even tropes like omegaverse take on political bents. We should be wary of bioessentialism in omegaverse.
Can Mpreg Escape Bio-Essentialist Messaging?
You'd think a guy getting pregnant circumvents the biological essentialist standpoint. But mpreg often has a lot of bio-essentialist stances.
We Made Gender Up
Some people think gender and biological sex are linked. In reality, we kind of made up everything about what makes a man or a woman.
Gender in Hook, Line & Sinker
Or, In Which We Discover Seahorse Biology I write mpreg, rather unapologetically. I forget exactly when I first discovered the trope/genre/whatever you want to call it, but it fascinated me. In many ways, it still does. I’m not quite sure why. I could wax poetic about how it crosses gender and sex divides, subjects male characters to female roles, and so on, but that’s the fact of the matter. One...