In the realm of Riding the Dragon, it certainly is. Drake posits at one point that everything Cad thinks is magic is actually just science—science that might be beyond his comprehension or understanding at the moment.That leads to a question: Is what we consider “magic” just science? Many people will argue no, but it stands to reason. Looking to Mythology One of the reasons this theory stands up...
Is Magic Just Science?
Art Is Always Political
If creating art is human, then art is always political. It's informed by its creator's beliefs.
A Brief History of Dragons
If there’s one mythological creature that seems to exist across almost every culture, it’s dragons.
Gender in Hook, Line & Sinker
Or, In Which We Discover Seahorse Biology I write mpreg, rather unapologetically. I forget exactly when I first discovered the trope/genre/whatever you want to call it, but it fascinated me. In many ways, it still does. I’m not quite sure why. I could wax poetic about how it crosses gender and sex divides, subjects male characters to female roles, and so on, but that’s the fact of the matter. One...
What Are Friends for?
CW: Foul language, drug use, alcohol use “You fucking killed me again!” Ty tossed his controller down, throwing his hands in the air at Lawrence. His roommate—best friend—certified moron, really—just smiled at him. “Ah, sorry, fishy. Let’s reset it and you can try again.” “No,” Ty grumbled, kicking at the coffee table, “I’m not going to let you lose on purpose, Laz. I don’t accept your pity-death...
Why Inclusive Feminism Is the Only Feminism
In honor of International Women's Day, a reminder that inclusive feminism is the only feminism.
Of Theme Songs and Stoners: The Official Hook, Line & Sinker Playlist
I’m one of those writers who incorporates music as an integral part of my writing process. (Actually, music is just an integral part of my life.) I’ll sometimes orchestrate scenes to particular tunes; I use different tracks to evoke the appropriate mood. And sometimes, music doesn’t speak so much to the plot as it addresses a character. Ty Metzler, the MC of Hook, Line & Sinker, is very much...
Hook, Line & Sinker
Chapter One Ty swayed on his feet as the train rattled and clanked over the trestles, high above the Hudson. He clutched the bar tighter, longing for the familiar ache in his fingers, the cramps that came on after hours of practice, the endless melodies of a symphonic suite played over and over until perfection was achieved. He felt nothing, which wasn’t unusual; he hadn’t practiced at all today...
A Stranger Sort of Fairy Tale
Chapter 1: Regards from Rus The sun dipped below the horizon, bathing the Kundalini desert in orangey light as darkness fell. Purple and blue hues descended from the stars, creeping down the Red Mountains, sweeping over the shifting sands around the city of Arubio. There was a chill in the air, one Tarquin relished as he stepped outside. He glanced to the sky, the pale blue pinpricks...