I wrote a billionaire romance. Yet I don't like billionaires. Writing these characters in romance, though, allows for escapism.
Why Write a Billionaire Romance?
No Canned Muzak: The Official Boardroom Omega Playlist
Reading Boardroom Omega by Cherry Pickett? Soundtrack your reading with the official playlist for the book here!
Why Consent Is Imperative in Romance Novels
In the romance genre, the subject of consent is sometimes murky and often contentious. The power dynamics of relationships demand that writers explore it.
Negotiating Power Dynamics in Romance Novels
Who has power in a relationship and how do they wield it? That's a question every romance reader should ask, especially as heterosexual romances usually fail to interrogate power dynamics, ultimately modelling abusive or toxic relationships.
The Toxic Messaging of the Alpha Male in Romance
Almost every romance reader knows the alpha male hero, and every romance heroine seems to swoon for him. But this type of character is actually sending a toxic message to readers.
Boardroom Omega Preview
The following is an excerpt from Cherry Pickett’s Boardroom Omega. You can read more about the book here. Chapter One As the clock struck one, Percival breezed back into his office, not quite slamming the door behind him. He heaved a heavy sigh as he slung himself down into the plush of the incredibly expensive leather executive’s chair, the glow of the three monitors dominating his desk...
Who Are Reviews For?
At this point, I’m fairly firm on my review policy: I don’t read them. That can be discouraging to readers—why bother leaving a review for a book then? It’s a position that took me some time to come to, though, and every time BookTwitter rehashes the reviews drama, I’m only more convinced that my policy is a good one. Reviews Are for Readers That’s it. That’s the answer. Reviews are ultimately...
When Empowerment Becomes a Cudgel: The Life and Death of OwnVoices
In the last decade, we saw more calls for diversity. Specifically after the riots in Ferguson, voices for racial justice were uplifted. These voices are everywhere on social media, and there are activists who touch on almost every aspect of society, from housing to policing to policies that keep Black children in the inner city from excelling in school. Reading is tied to education, and with it...
The Official Playlist for Lions Will Tame Leopards
I have a new book out, so you know what that means! It’s time to drop the official playlist for Lions Will Tame Leopards, Book 5 in the Flirting with the Zodiac series. It’s really funny: I always procrastinate with these playlist posts. I don’t know why. They’re actually one of the easiest types of post to put together. With the last couple of books, The Bull by His Horns and Main Squeeze, I...
Flirting with the Zodiac and the Colonial Dialectic
As we approach the midway point of the Flirting with the Zodiac series, let's take a look at the world that connects the books.