When I set out to write a billionaire romance with Boardroom Omega, I had a few goals in mind. One was that I wanted to end the novel with this obscenely wealthy person, to some degree, changing their ways and using that wealth to contribute to society instead of being a parasite. The other goal was to showcase how utterly insane—and I do not use that term lightly—the existence of a billionaire...
A Different Kind of Omegaverse: The World of Boardroom Omega
Omegaverse often explores catastrophic biological evolution. What if an a/b/o system was a lot simpler to explain?
Why Write a Billionaire Romance?
I wrote a billionaire romance. Yet I don't like billionaires. Writing these characters in romance, though, allows for escapism.
Negotiating Power Dynamics in Romance Novels
Who has power in a relationship and how do they wield it? That's a question every romance reader should ask, especially as heterosexual romances usually fail to interrogate power dynamics, ultimately modelling abusive or toxic relationships.
The Toxic Messaging of the Alpha Male in Romance
Almost every romance reader knows the alpha male hero, and every romance heroine seems to swoon for him. But this type of character is actually sending a toxic message to readers.
Who Are Reviews For?
At this point, I’m fairly firm on my review policy: I don’t read them. That can be discouraging to readers—why bother leaving a review for a book then? It’s a position that took me some time to come to, though, and every time BookTwitter rehashes the reviews drama, I’m only more convinced that my policy is a good one. Reviews Are for Readers That’s it. That’s the answer. Reviews are ultimately...
When Empowerment Becomes a Cudgel: The Life and Death of OwnVoices
In the last decade, we saw more calls for diversity. Specifically after the riots in Ferguson, voices for racial justice were uplifted. These voices are everywhere on social media, and there are activists who touch on almost every aspect of society, from housing to policing to policies that keep Black children in the inner city from excelling in school. Reading is tied to education, and with it...
Line in the Sand: What Separates Platonic and Romantic Love?
When it comes to Western media, romantic love takes precedence. But what of platonic love? Can we even separate the two of them?
Who Is M/M Romance For?
Every now and then, we get into a debate about who can or should be writing m/m romance. A lot of cishet women right it, and not a few gay men feel pushed out by this trend. How can we balance this? The answer probably isn't more gatekeeping.
Exploring Polyamory in Lions Will Tame Leopards
Lions Will Tame Leopards, Book 5 of the Zodiac series, features a polyamorous lion pride. Here's why that was fun to explore.