What's a content warning? What's a trigger warning? We look at the difference between content vs trigger warning here.
Is Mpreg Possible?
It's a question pretty much every fan asks at some point: Is mpreg possible in real life? The answer might surprise you.
Is It Censorship? No, But Editing Old Books Doesn’t Make Sense
Some say it's censorship. Others want to leave the past in the past. The point stands: there are plenty of reasons not to edit old books.
Why I Won’t Be Using AI Anytime Soon
AI is all the rage right now, owing largely to ChatGPT and Midjourney. While enthusiasts laud the capabilities of these new tools and call artists and authors “Luddites” for not adopting it, I think there are some very good reasons to steer clear of them right now. (Tara Winstead / Pexels.com) Here’s why I, as an author, won’t be using artificial intelligence to help me “write faster”—and why I...
Bioessentialism in Omegaverse
Art is always political, which means even tropes like omegaverse take on political bents. We should be wary of bioessentialism in omegaverse.
Are Book Reviews a Critique Tool for Authors?
Can turning to book reviews help you improve as an author? Ehhh, probably not--and here's why they shouldn't be your go-to for critique.
Where Are All the Alpha Females in Omegaverse?
Look up omegaverse, and you're bound to trip over "omega male" characters. It's much harder to find their counterpart, the alpha females. Why?
Why “Level-Up” Romance Sucks
Does an HEA always have to mean marriage and kids? Probably not, which is just one of the reasons the level-up romance is a problem.
Happy Ever After: BIPOC and Queer Characters in Historical Romance
Some people say they have a hard time believing queer or BIPOC characters could get to the HEA required in historical romance. That's silly.
Why I Can’t Read (Most) M/F Romance Anymore
I've been having a hard time reading m/f romance lately. While there are some good ones out there, there are a few reasons I'm struggling.