There are times when mpreg seems like a pretty modern trope. After all, it’s only be recently that we’ve been able to do things like in vitro fertilization. With advancements in science, medicine, and technology, the “impossible” suddenly becomes the realm of potential. After all, if we can transplant lungs and hearts, why not a uterus into a cis male?It might surprise you to learn that human...
NaNoWriMo 2023 Wrapup
(lil artsy / So, it’s December now. Which means we made it through November. This was the first year in a while I actually managed to push through National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. November has, historically, been a bit of a trashier for me. This year wasn’t much different, if I’m perfectly honest, yet somehow, I made it through and reached the goal. A Brief History of NaNo...
Omegaverse Explained
You have questions. I have answers. Welcome to the omegaverse: explained. Your resource for werewolf kink tropes. (Shelby Waltz / Omegaverse Explained: What Is It Anyway? Omegaverse is essentially a worldbuilding trope used in fiction. Within it, characters have so-called secondary genders (or sexes). People may be designated as alpha, beta, or omega. Omegaverse originated in fandom...
What Makes a Brute?
My newest book, Evan and the Alpha, hit Kindles everywhere last month. The story follows a human who ends up being kidnapped by aliens on strange planet.The story was originally written for an anthology called Brute’s Bounty. I rarely play up the “toxic alpha hole” tropes—tropes that are all intimately associated with “brutish” behavior.So, what the heck attracted me to write something that seems...
It’s a Fine Line: The Relationship between Horror and Romance
A lot of romance novels don't seem to realize when they're veering into horror territory. What's the line between horror and romance?
Between Here and Eternity: The Age Gap Romance
The age gap romance gets more play than anyone gives it credit for. What does it look like when we put supernatural creatures into play too?
Why Book Banning Is on the Rise
Statistics show that there's been a rise in book banning in the last few years. An increase in banned books should have us all on edge.
Is “Fated Mates” Really So Romantic?
Readers love the fated mates trope. Yet, if you start digging, the whole notion gets a little bit more sinister than you might expect.
Playing Fast and Loose with Fairy Myths in Rare Flower
Rare Flower incorporates a fair few fairy myths, although accuracy isn't its concern. What does "real" fairy mythology look like though?
Greek Mythology in Rare Flower
I took a fair bit of inspiration from Greek mythology when I was writing Rare Flower. Here, I explore some of the stories that were melded.