This post is about exactly what the title says: I wrote a book on parental leave. And it sucked to do it. Managing Time Time management has never truly been a challenge for me, in the sense that I’m very good at it. The problem, more or less, has always been that I’m overly ambitious. I always think I can get more done than I can. As a result, I tend to bite off more than I can chew. In turn, I...
Romance Novels as Resistance
We’re clearly in a hyper-conservative backlash against what has been billed progressive politics. In the US, we’ve seen attacks against trans people and queer people more broadly, against mixed-race couples, against women’s rights—and it’s getting worse. We’re seeing people pushing to get rid of not only abortion but access to birth control. We’re seeing the curtailing of internet access to not...
Target: Romance Novels
A lot has happened since this blog was last regularly active. I had a baby. My father passed away. The United States of America voted in the Republican candidate for a second term. Plenty of people are legitimately concerned for a wide variety of reasons. (Kaboompics .com / As a queer person, a queer writer, and a romance novelist, I can see there’s a lot to be worried about. Even...
Is a Slave Romance Ever Ethical?
I have a new book out today: Host Club on the Pleasure Planet! It’s part of a shared world with a bunch of other awesome authors. The series is set in a dystopian sci-fi world, where Kateria, the pleasure planet, operates outside the bounds of the law. The planet offers all kinds of pleasures, but in doing so, it has also become a haven for criminality. Humans are rare and incredibly sought...
Writing Mpreg after Having a Baby
Last year, I had a baby. It was full of ups and downs. Parenting is one of the more challenging roles I have taken on in my life. As an mpreg reader and writer, though, going through pregnancy, birth, and now parenting, has had an interesting impact on what I prefer to read and write. What my writing looked like for months after I had my baby. (Jessica Lewis 🦋 thepaintedsquare / I...
Is M/M Romance Fetishizing?
Pride often brings up plenty of arguments about who “counts” as queer. Every year, we debate whether kink communities “belong” at Pride. People argue that folks in heterosexual-presenting relationships don’t belong in queer spaces. (Ronê Ferreira / Another argument often emerges alongside discussions about who “belongs” or “doesn’t” belong in the queer community. Every so often—and...
Why We Need Queer Books (More Than Ever)
June has arrived, and with it, Pride Month 2024 has kicked off. Pride started in the 1970s to protest the treatment of queer people, both by law enforcement and society at large. The Stonewall Riots were the last straw for many queer people. They were frustrated by living in fear and denial, always under threat of violence from the state. Pride parades became a way of protesting this oppression...
Is the Omegaverse Problematic?
By now, almost everyone and their mother has heard about the omegaverse. If you didn’t discover “wolf-kink porn” through the copyright debacle a few years ago, you might have heard of it when AIs seemed to devolve into writing a/b/o fics. That loaned support to the idea that AI had been trained on stolen fanfic—among other stories. (Ron Lach / Whether you’re brand new to omegaverse or...
What Counts as Mpreg?
I largely ignore award season, because it’s mostly popularity contests. There’s nothing wrong with being popular, but winning often depends more on the author’s social network than literary merit. (And even when there are governing bodies, we can see all kinds of problems, like what’s gone on with the Hugos.) Yeah, yeah, they’re nice to look at. (Anna Shvets / We also run...
The Issue of Mr. Mom in Mpreg
I’ve argued before that omegaverse tends to play fast and loose with our notions of gender. Mpreg, generally, does the same thing. One of the curiousities of the genre is that characters who can get pregnant maintain a cisgender identity. Because sex and gender is always so very clear cut. That can cause some consternation when it comes to terminology—particularly when Baby arrives. Should we...