It's almost Valentine's Day, which means we'll see non-romance readers crawl out of the woodwork to tell us all about great romances. But what counts as romance? Even some of the "great love stories" we point to aren't ... actually ... all that romantic.
Is Mpreg Transphobic?
I've heard people say mpreg is transphobic, and my knee-jerk reaction is to defend it. But dig a little deeper, and we might see the ugly truth of that statement.
What Is a Naga Anyway?
Main Squeeze deals with shapeshifting alien snakes who call themselves the naga. But what, exactly, is a naga? The concept has a long history, rooted in the sacred texts of many cultures.
The Official Main Squeeze Playlist
Want to get more insight into how I wrote Main Squeeze? The official playlist will show you a bit more of my process!
Some Surprising Things I Learned about Snakes
While I was working on Main Squeeze, I had to do some research about snakes. I thought they were weird before. Here are some of the stranger things I learned.
On Main Squeeze and Writing Outside My Lane
Marty Yoon, the hero of Main Squeeze, is a Korean-American trans man. Clearly, I'm writing pretty far outside my lane here. So, why did I do it?
Working through Mental Health in MAIN SQUEEZE
Main Squeeze, Book 3 in the Flirting with the Zodiac series, may not be my favorite book. But it will always hold a special place for me, in part because it reflects so much of my personal experience around mental health and trauma.
Main Squeeze Preview
Crash-landing on another planet full of shapeshifting snake aliens is probably less than ideal, but that's the situation Marty Yoon finds himself in.
Let’s Make Reading Joyful Again
Some people insist that kids should read "real books" because they forget reading is about joy, not some phony intellectualism. We're just better at reading some media than others.
Should Authors Talk about Politics?
It's common enough advice: don't talk politics. But should authors avoid talking politics? And is that even possible? The short answer is no--and you should talk politics all you want.