There are a ton of people writing mpreg out there these days, and I’d say we’re somewhat spoiled with how many new titles appear from month to month now.
What can be difficult, though, is keeping track of all the new releases. I know I often don’t know about a book until it’s been out for months and months. Often, I just happen to be scrolling social media and someone posts about the book. It might be the author, or it might be someone else raving about how good it is.
I also don’t do a great job of keeping track of all the upcoming and announced mpreg books. In fact, it sometimes feels a bit difficult to track down information about titles to look forward to.
With all that in mind, I set out to find out about some upcoming mpreg books in 2024. Here are six new mpreg titles that I’m looking forward to in the first six months of the year!
A Note on Methodology
I did some research, via social media, GoodReads, Amazon, and author websites, to determine if authors had upcoming releases. Releases included here are only for the period January 1 to June 30, 2024.
There are also a fair few authors whose work I do not enjoy, so their titles will be, understandably, missing from this list. This list is not meant to be representative of all upcoming 2024 mpreg books. If a book is “missing,” feel free to mention it in the comments as something you yourself are looking forward to.
Some authors’ books will be missing because they were not announced or confirmed at the time of writing. My own books are not included, because, well, they’re my books. Of course I’m looking forward to them.
Without further ado, here are six mpreg books I’m looking forward to in 2024.
How to Hide Your Wolf Cub
Anna Winehart
Jan. 1, 2024
This book came out before I could get this post up (partially because I was still researching and writing other forthcoming titles), but this is the second in Winehart’s new series, Closet Baby Chronicles. The covers are absolutely adorable—I melt pretty much every time I see one.
Like the first book in the series, this one promises another secret baby—a tried-and-true trope that is finally being given the ol’ mpreg twist. Winehart’s playing shifters—dragons and wolves thus far—which makes me hopeful that this title will blend fantastical elements with the right amount of sweetness for a great treat.
The Qualm Before the Storm
Lilo Quie
Feb. 8, 2024
Let’s diversify our list with a BIPOC book by a BIPOC author: Lilo Quie’s upcoming The Qualm Before the Storm. This book is available for preorder now and releases in just a couple of short weeks.
Quie is a new-to-me author, who I will be trying out for the first time with this title. The book itself sounds like it’s pretty much up my alley: mortals trying to tame gods and so on? Bring it.

Fox Trapped
Jessica E. Subject
Feb. 18, 2024
Have you seen the cover for this book? I picked up on it through the social media cover reveal back in December, and I knew instantly this was going on my TBR. The cover! Fox shifters! Mpreg! I’m not sure you could find a book that’s more up my alley than this one.
Releasing just a few days after Valentine’s Day, this might be the mpreg book I’m looking forward to the most in 2024.
Fight Club on the Pleasure Planet
Chris Storm
March 19, 2024
Okay, yes, I’m a bit biased here. Author Chris Storm and I are both participating in this shared-world series, featuring alien romances set on the “pleasure planet” Ketaria. I’ve been privy to plenty of updates and details about this book, and let me tell you, I am excited to see the final product.
The Fight Club premise is one I really enjoy in stories anyway, so I was already predisposed to like this book. Then Storm announced it would also be mpreg, and well … you know it’s on my TBR.
Alpha Dragon’s Ferret

Hawke Oakley
May 6, 2024
Omegaverse. Dragons. Ferrets. What more can I say about this book? It’s like all of my favorite things rolled into one. And have you seen the cover for it?
I’ll also say Oakley is emerging as one of my fav mpreg authors. I know we write in vastly different veins—Oakley tends to be light and fluffy, in addition to short—but I really enjoy this author. When I need something where I can just turn my brain off and escape for a couple of hours into a world where everything always works out okay, I know I can count on Oakley.
I unfortunately missed most of this series when it was first releasing (see my notes about how I usually discover books by letting them jump up and bite me in the face), so I may have a bit of catching up to do before May 6, when this fourth instalment drops.
Brothel on the Pleasure Planet
Zelda Knight
May 12, 2024
Another Pleasure Planet series book, and another one I’m likely biased about. I’ve had the privilege of reading a couple of Zelda Knight’s co-writes and been in a couple of anthologies alongside her work as well, so I’m honored to be part of this series as well.
I’m also super excited that she’s writing alien romances and mpreg stories too. And I cannot tell you how much I love brothel stories. They’re definitely one of my fav fanfic-type tropes, which means I’ve been reading them for … oh, around twenty or so years now. If you toss me into a fandom on AO3 and tell me there’s a fic where the MMC is working in a brothel, I will click that so fast.
So, yes! I am very much looking forward to seeing what Zelda has in store for us with this one. May seems like it’s a long time off, but it will be here before we know it!
Challenges in Assembling This Mpreg Books List
One of the biggest challenges I encountered in putting together this post was a simple lack of accessible information. Plenty of mpreg authors have author websites, but they often don’t announce their upcoming titles.
Some authors announce their books much closer to their pub dates. Indie authors are often scrambling to get their books out, right up until the last minute. Some indies thus wait until things are more “locked in” to make announcements and begin promotion. So, there may be titles for March, April, May, and June that haven’t even been announced yet.
Another challenge is just where information lives. Some authors are announcing their books, but they’re making Facebook posts or posts in FB groups and that’s it. Or maybe they’re making TikToks, and I’m not on that platform. In short, there’s fragmentation in where people are posting information. That can often mean that I’m missing announcements.
Every author has their reasons for using this platform or that one, for announcing sooner rather than later, and so on. My only comment is that these factors can make it difficult to learn about upcoming books!
Other Authors to Keep an Eye On
As a result of some of the challenges I noted above, this list is very incomplete. As time goes on, I fully expect more authors to announce more 2024 mpreg books.
It might be that the book was “missed” simply because the announcement wasn’t made at the time of writing. There are quite a few mpreg authors that I tried to find upcoming title information for but couldn’t find anything: Jena Wade, for example, had nothing upcoming listed on GR, Amazon, or her own author website.
It’s also possible Wade, like many others, simply hasn’t announced her upcoming 2024 mpreg books, if she has any in the works. Authors like C.W. Gray, Ava Beringer, and even Colbie Dunbar don’t seem to have any announced titles at the moment either.
Again, that can—and probably will—change in the coming months, which means this post will definitely be outdated before June 30th arrives. So remember that this list was prepared early, that it’s about books that have already been announced, and that it’s about books that I personally am looking forward to.
You can and absolutely should keep an eye on the authors I mentioned above, along with many others. They’re likely going to announce more mpreg books for 2024, and I expect there are going to be plenty of new mpreg releases this year.
Do you know of an upcoming title not included here? Does this list miss a 2024 mpreg book by a fav author? Sound off in the comments below and let everyone know about other upcoming 2024 mpreg books you’re excited to read in the coming months!