Think of medieval Europe. Did you imagine a bunch of white people tooling around in the dirt, nary a Black or brown person in sight? You've had the wool pulled over your eyes. People of color definitely existed in medieval Europe.
“Clean” Romance Has a Dirty Secret
Ever wondered why we use the term "clean romance"? It looks innocent on the surface, but it's actually packing quite the patriarchal punch.
What Counts as Romance?
It's almost Valentine's Day, which means we'll see non-romance readers crawl out of the woodwork to tell us all about great romances. But what counts as romance? Even some of the "great love stories" we point to aren't ... actually ... all that romantic.
Is Mpreg Transphobic?
I've heard people say mpreg is transphobic, and my knee-jerk reaction is to defend it. But dig a little deeper, and we might see the ugly truth of that statement.